
Deletes a replica


Product Command type
MultiSite multiutil subcommand



[ –cl/an clan-name ] [ –site site-name ] –fam/ily family-name
–u/ser username [ –p/assword ] password [ –dbset new-name ] replica


Important: To delete a replica, you must complete all the steps described in Replica deletion. from the . If you do not complete all steps in the correct order, synchronization and mastership problems can occur in other replicas in the database family.

When you use this command, the database-replica record that records the existence and identity of another replica is deleted from the current replica's database. Typically, you use this command to record the fact that another replica has been decommissioned and deleted.


Identities: You must have Super User privileges.

Other: You must run the rmreplica command at the working schema repository site.

Options and arguments

Specifying the clan, site, and family

Clan: First clan replicated at this site. If there is more than one dbset connection registered on this host, –clan is required.

Site: Current site. If there is more than one site on this host, –site is required.

Family: No default; you must specify a family.

–cl/an clan-name
Name of the replica’s clan.
–site site-name
Name of the replica’s site.
–fam/ily family-name
User database family: Database name given to the user database when it was created.

Schema repository family: Not applicable. If there is only one user database family in the specified site, this command removes the schema repository as well. If there is more than one user database family, the schema repository is not removed.

Default: None.

Renaming the database set

–dbset new-name
Use this option only when removing the last replica of a clan. When you remove the last replica of a clan, you must rename the database set so it does not include any Rational® ClearQuest® MultiSite flags.

Specifying the replica

When you run the command at the location of the replica to be removed, the default is the current replica. When you run the command at any other location, you must specify a replica.
Site name of the replica to be deleted from the current replica's database.


For an example of using the rmreplica command, see Replica deletion.