
Displays or deletes entries from the ratl_uuid table of a replica


Product Command type
MultiSite multiutil subcommand



–orphaned_ratl_uuids [ –delete ] –cl/an clan-name –site site-name
–fam/ily family-name –u/ser username [ –p/assword ] password


If the ratl_uuid table of a replica contains entries that are not also included in the master_uuid table, a mkreplica command may fail in one of the following ways:

  • The mkreplica –export operation succeeds, but the import operation fails.
  • The mkreplica –export operation fails with the following error:

    There are num-entries entries in the ratl_uuids table that have no
    corresponding rows in the master_uuids table. To remove these
    'orphaned' rows from the ratl_uuids table, please backup the master
    and user databases, then execute 'multiutil repair –orphaned_ratl_uuids
    –delete ...', specifying the same clan, site, family, user and
    password information.
    Multiutil: The mkreplica –export command failed.

You can use the repair command to view or delete the orphaned entries in the ratl_uuid table. After you delete the entries from the ratl_uuid table, mkreplica –export and –import operations will no longer fail.

Locking the Replica

The repair command locks the specified database replica. Locking it ensures that while the repair command is running, no other changes are made to the replica. The database replica is unlocked after the repair command is completed.


Locks: This command fails if the database is locked (for example, during the upgrade process) or while another Rational® ClearQuest® MultiSite operation is being performed.

Options and arguments

Specifying the operation

Displays all entries in the ratl_uuids table that have no corresponding rows in the master_uuids table.
Deletes all entries in the ratl_uuids table that have no corresponding rows in the master_uuids table.

Specifying the clan, site, and family

Clan: First clan replicated at this site. If there is more than one dbset connection registered on this host, –clan is required.

Site: Current site. If there is more than one site on this host, –site is required.

Family: No default; you must specify a family.

–cl/an clan-name
Name of the replica’s clan.
–site site-name
Name of the replica’s site.
–fam/ily family-name
User database family: Database name given to the user database when it was created.

Schema repository family: The family name is MASTR.

Specifying a user name and password

You must specify a user name and password.
–u/ser user
Name of a user with Super User privileges.
–p/assword password
Password associated with the specified user.


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.

  • At the boston_hub replica, display a list of all entries in the ratl_uuids table that have no corresponding rows in the master_uuids table.

    multiutil repair -orphaned_ratl_uuids -clan telecomm -site boston_hub
    -family DEV -user susan -p passwd

  • Delete all entries in the ratl_uuids table of the boston_hub replica that have no corresponding rows in the master_uuids table.

    multiutil repair -orphaned_ratl_uuids -delete -clan telecomm
    -site boston_hub -family DEV -user susan -p passwd