Product | Command type |
MultiSite | multiutil subcommand |
Platform |
Windows |
- mkorder
- –dat/a packet-pname [ –scl/ass storage-class-name ] [ –pex/pire date-time ] [ –not/ify e-mail-address ] [ –c comment | –cq | –cqe | –nc ] [ –shi/p –cop/y | –fsh/ip [ –cop/y ] | –out order-pname ] destination ...
This command creates a shipping order file for an existing packet file or any other file. The shipping server uses the shipping order to send the file to one or more destinations.
mkorder submits to the shipping server a packet that was created with mkreplica –out or syncreplica –out. You can also use mkorder to resubmit packets whose shipping orders have expired, and to transfer other files among sites. A shipping order must be located in the same directory as its associated packet or file.
Options and arguments
Specifying the packet file
- Default
- None.
- –dat/a packet-pname
- The path name of the packet or file. Note: If packet-pname contains a colon character ( : ), mkorder changes the colon to a period character ( . ) during processing. This change allows packets to be delivered to computers running Windows, which do not allow colons in file names.
Specifying where to place the shipping order
- Default
- Creates a shipping order in the directory where the packet-pname file is located.
- –scl/ass class-name
- Specifies the storage class of the packet and shipping order. If you also use –ship or
–fship, mkorder looks up the storage class in the
shipping.conf file on Linux and
the UNIX
system or in the MultiSite Control Panel on Windows to determine
the location of the storage bay to use.
If you omit this option but use –ship or –fship, mkorder places the shipping order in the storage bay location specified for the –default class in the shipping.conf file or the MultiSite Control Panel.
- –shi/p –cop/y –fsh/ip [ –cop/y ]
- Creates a shipping order for packet-pname. Using –fship invokes
shipping_server to send the packet. Using –ship places the shipping order in a
storage bay. To send the packet, run shipping_server or set up invocations of
–poll with the schedule command. (See the schedule reference page in the
Command Reference.)
You must use –copy with –ship; using –copy with –fship is optional:
- With –copy, mkorder copies the packet-pname file to one of the store-and-forward facility's storage bays and places the shipping order in the bay. The copy is deleted after it is delivered successfully to all the destinations specified in the shipping order.
- Without –copy, mkorder does not copy packet-pname; mkorder places the shipping order in the directory where the file is located. packet-pname is deleted after it is delivered successfully to all the destinations specified in the shipping order.
- –out order-pname
- Places the shipping order in the specified file instead of in a storage bay. An error occurs if the file already exists.
Handling packet-delivery failures
- Default
- If a packet cannot be delivered, it is sent through the store-and-forward facility to the administrator at the site of the originating replica. A mail message is sent to the store-and-forward administrator. This occurs after repeated attempts to deliver the packet have failed and the allotted time has expired; it can also occur when the destination host is unknown or a data file does not exist. The store-and-forward configuration settings specify the expiration period, the e-mail address of the administrator, and the notification program.
- –pex/pire date-time
- Specifies the time at which the store-and-forward facility stops
trying to deliver the packet and generates a failure mail message
instead. This option overrides the expiration period specified for
the storage class in the shipping.conf file (UNIX)
or MultiSite Control Panel (Windows).
The date-time argument can have any of the following formats:
- date.time | date | time | now
- where:
- date:
- = day-of-week | long-date
- time:
- = h[h]:m[m][:s[s]] [UTC [ [ + | - ]h[h][:m[m] ] ] ]
- day-of-week:
- = today |yesterday |Sunday | ... |Saturday |Sun | ... |Sat
- long-date:
- = d[d]–month[–[yy]yy]
- month:
- = January |... |December |Jan |... |Dec
Specify the time in 24-hour format, relative to the local time zone. If you omit the time, the default value is 00:00:00. If you omit the date, the default value is today. If you omit the century, year, or a specific date, the most recent one is used. Specify UTC if you want the time to be resolved to the same moment in time regardless of time zone. Use the plus (+) or minus (-) operator to specify a positive or negative offset to the UTC time. If you specify UTC without hour or minute offsets, the default setting is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). (Dates before January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) are not valid.)
Examples:- 22-November-2002
- sunday
- yesterday.16:00
- 0
- 8-jun
- 13:00
- today
- 9-Aug.10:00UTC
- –not/ify e-mail-address
- The delivery-failure message is sent to the specified e-mail address.
If a failure occurs on a Windows host that does not have e-mail notification enabled, a message is displayed in the Windows Event Viewer. The message includes the e-mail-address value specified with this option and a note requesting that this user be informed of the status of the operation. For information about enabling e-mail notification, see the MultiSite Control Panel reference page.
Event records and comments
- Default
- –nc (no comment).
- –c comment | –cq | –cqe | –nc
- Specifies a comment to be placed in the shipping order. With –c, the comment string must be a single command-line token; typically, you must enclose it in double quotes. With –cq and –cqe, the command prompts you for a comment. With –nc, no comment is placed in the shipping order.
Specifying the destination
- Default
- None.
- destination ...
- One or more host names (which must be usable by hosts in different domains) or IP addresses. When sending a MultiSite packet, you must specify the synchronization server for the replica.
In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.
- Create a shipping order for file p1, which is located in the
default storage bay. Store the shipping order in the same storage bay as
p1, and specify that the file is to be sent to host goldengate.
mkorder –data "c:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var\shipping\cq_default\ outgoing\p1" –sclass cq_default –out "c:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var\ shipping\cq_default\outgoing\p1_order" goldengate Shipping order "c:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var \shipping\cq_default\outgoing\p1_order" generated.
- Create a shipping order in the default storage bay for a specified file that is to
be delivered to host goldengate. Specify that admin must be notified if the file
is not delivered successfully.
/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/mkorder –data /usr/tmp/to_goldengate –sclass cq_default –ship –copy –notify admin goldengate Shipping order "/var/adm/rational/clearcase/shipping/cq_default/outgoing/sh_o_to_ goldengate" generated.
- Create a shipping order for the same file, but place it in the storage bay for a
particular storage class. Attempt immediate delivery (–fship), and allow delivery
attempts to continue until the beginning of May 18.
mkorder –data c:\tmp\to_goldengate –fship –copy –sclass ClassA –pexpire 18-May goldengate Shipping order "c:\tmp\sclass\ClassA\sh_o_to_goldengate" generated. Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets... -- Forwarded/delivered packet c:\tmp\sclass\ClassA\sh_o_to_goldengate