
Lists the contents of a replica's operation log


Product Command type
MultiSite multiutil subcommand



[ –cl/an clan-name ] [ –site site-name ] –fam/ily family-name
–u/ser username [ –p/assword ] password [ –l/ong | –s/hort]
[ –at replica ] [ oplog-ID... | [ –from oplog-ID ]
[ –to oplog-ID ] ] [ –since date-time ] [ –reverse ]


Use dumpoplog to list information in a replica's operation log (oplog). The oplog tracks all database transactions, including record changes and schema modifications. Each oplog entry has an oplog ID.


You must have Super User privileges.

Options and arguments

Specifying the clan, site, and family

Clan: First clan replicated at this site. If there is more than one dbset connection registered on this host, –clan is required.

Site: Current site. If there is more than one site on this host, –site is required.

Family: No default; you must specify a family.

–cl/an clan-name
Name of the replica’s clan.
–site site-name
Name of the replica’s site.
–fam/ily family-name
User database family: Database name given to the user database when it was created.

Schema repository family: The family name is MASTR.

Specifying a user name and password

You must specify a user name and password.
–u/ser user
Name of a user with Super User privileges.
–p/assword password
Password associated with the specified user.

Specifying the information to display

If you do not specify a format, the –short format is used. All oplog entries are listed.
–l/ong | –s/hort
With –long, displays all columns of the oplog, including information about the schema revision that applies to the packet data. With –short, displays each database operation that took place.
–at replica
Lists the oplog entries that originated from the sites you specify.
Lists the oplog entries you specify.
–from oplog-ID
Lists a range of oplog entries starting with oplog-ID and ending with the latest one or the one specified with –to. Specify oplog IDs as integers.
–to oplog-ID
Lists a range of oplog entries ending with oplog-ID and starting with 1 or the one specified with –from. Specify oplog IDs as integers.
–since date-time
Lists all oplog entries after date-time. The date-time argument can have any of the following formats:
date.time | date | time | now
= day-of-week | long-date
= h[h]:m[m][:s[s]] [UTC [ [ + | - ]h[h][:m[m] ] ] ]
= today |yesterday |Sunday | ... |Saturday |Sun | ... |Sat
= d[d]month[[yy]yy]
= January |... |December |Jan |... |Dec

Specify the time in 24-hour format, relative to the local time zone. If you omit the time, the default value is 00:00:00. If you omit the date, the default value is today. If you omit the century, year, or a specific date, the most recent one is used. Specify UTC if you want the time to be resolved to the same moment in time regardless of time zone. Use the plus (+) or minus (-) operator to specify a positive or negative offset to the UTC time. If you specify UTC without hour or minute offsets, the default setting is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). (Dates before January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) are not valid.)

  • 22-November-2002
  • sunday
  • yesterday.16:00
  • 0
  • 8-jun
  • 13:00
  • today
  • 9-Aug.10:00UTC
Reverse the order of the list of oplog entries.


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line. The output of each example is not shown due to space limitations.

  • List the oplog of operations associated with the DOC family at the boston_hub replica.

    multiutil dumpoplog -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC
    -user susan -p passwd

  • List the oplog of the sanfran_hub operations at the sanfran_hub replica.

    multiutil dumpoplog -clan telecomm -site sanfran_hub -family DEV
    -user jcole -p passwd -short -at sanfran_hub

  • List the oplog of all operations in the bangalore replica as of January 28, 2002.

    multiutil dumpoplog -clan telecomm -site bangalore -family DOC
    -user masako -p passwd -short -since 28-Jan-2002

  • List oplog entries 3 through 6 from the boston_hub replica.

    multiutil dumpoplog -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DEV
    -user susan passwd -long -from 3 -to 6

  • List the first oplog entry in the tokyo replica.

    multiutil dumpoplog -clan testclan -site tokyo -family TEST
    -user masako -p passwd -long -from 1