MultiSite installation
Each site needs a synchronization server to handle packet transport. This host must have the DevOps Shipping Server installed on it. Each site also needs a MultiSite administrative host, which must have the Rational ClearQuest MultiSite Administration Tools (multiutil) installed on it. On this host, you run multiutil commands to synchronize and manage replicas.
Each host where the shipping server will be used must have enough disk space for the MultiSite storage bay directories. The storage bays hold MultiSite packets, along with their corresponding shipping order files. The following table describes the amount of available disk space needed on the disk partition where the storage bay is located.
Type of packet | Disk space needed |
Replica-creation | At least twice the size of database and schema repository. Packets can be four times as large as the databases from which they were exported. |
Update | On Microsoft Windows, twice the size of the largest packet to be stored in the bay. The reason is that there may be two instances of the same packet in the bay at one time: one on its way to another destination, and another waiting to be applied to the replica on the current host. |
On the Linux and the UNIX system, size of largest packet to be stored in the bay. |
There is no formula for determining how large your update packets will be. The general rule is that synchronizing more frequently usually results in smaller packets. Yet even if you synchronize every hour, a large amount of development activity or release activity can occur in an hour and a large packet will be generated. If you are not sure that the available disk space can accommodate an unexpectedly large packet, you can configure MultiSite to limit the size of an update packet.