Indirect shipping route setup

The shipping order for a packet includes the host name of the packet's final destination or several such host names. By default, the store-and-forward facility sends the packet directly to its destination host. You can specify that the packet must be sent to an intermediate host by associating it with a routing hop in the shipping.conf file (Linux and the UNIX system) or in the MultiSite Control Panel (Windows).

For example:

Any packet whose final destination is host sanfran_hub, boston_hub, or tokyo is forwarded to host sydney_fw. At this point, the local host has completed its task, and responsibility for delivering the packet now belongs to sydney_fw. Host sydney_fw can transmit the packet to its final destination directly, or send it to yet another intermediate host, depending on the settings in its shipping.conf file or in the MultiSite Control Panel.

Note: In a multihop transmission, using the -fship option on the original host causes the first hop to occur immediately. Subsequent hops occur when the shipping server is invoked on the intermediate hosts, which may not be immediately after the packets are received.