Import a replica-creation packet
When you import a replica-creation packet, you import raw data
into existing vendor databases. Replica-creation packets do not contain
databases; they contain the metadata and record data that form a database.
Packets are not vendor specific and can be used to create a schema repository
or user database from any supported vendor database.
When you import a replica, consider the following restrictions and guidelines:
- You must use the site name that was used in the export command. You cannot change the site name when you import a replica-creation packet.
- Initially, you can access the replica with multiutil commands only from the machine on which you ran the first mkreplica –import command. If you want to run subsequent multiutil commands on a different machine, you must configure that machine to access the replica.
To import a replica-creation packet, run the mkreplica –import command to import the replica data into the empty vendor database you have created. Enter the database parameters and login information for both the schema repository and user database you are importing.
Additional replicas
If you want to add a new user database replica to an existing site, you do not need to create a vendor database for the schema repository. If the new replica is in the same clan, the mkreplica –import command associates the new replica with the existing schema repository in the site.