Export a replica-creation packet
You create a replica by generating replica-creation packets and
sending them to the sites that will host the database replicas. You do this
with the mkreplica –export command.
During the export phase of replica creation, the replica creation command locks the database while copying it. The database is locked for the entire length of time the command runs; logins are not allowed.
Before running the mkreplica –export command on a database,
perform the following tasks:
- Verify that no users are logged in to the database. If users are logged in to the database during a mkreplica –export, any changes they make even after the database is unlocked are lost.
- Upgrade the database to use the most recent version of the schema.
- Verify that the data code page value is set to the code page used by the site that will import the replica creation packet. If the code pages are incompatible, packet import fails.
- If you use the UCM integration of DevOps Code ClearCase® and Rational® ClearQuest®, you must terminate all cqintsrv processes before running the first mkreplica–export on the schema repository.
The time required to create the packet depends on the size of the database and can be up to twice as long as the time required to make a copy of the database or run a backup procedure. Therefore, you must schedule the export phase of replica creation during nonbusiness hours for your site. You must also cancel any scheduled backups for the duration of the export phase.
In this example, a replica of the PRODA user database and its
schema repository is created. The name of the new site is sanfran_hub and
it uses the synchronization server goldengate. This example uses store-and-forward
to ship the replica-creation packets.
multiutil mkreplica –export –clan telecomm –site boston_hub –family PRODA
–user susan –password passwd –maxsize 50m –fship –workdir c:\temp\packets
–sclass cq_default goldengate:sanfran_hub