Mastership changes of database objects
Your plan should state which replicas will master records and
other objects. After you create the replicas in the family, you can change
mastership of objects.
Mastership changes are communicated among replicas by the standard synchronization mechanism. Depending on your workflow, mastership changes for some objects may need to occur more often. For example, the mastership of a record may need to be transferred among replicas several times during its lifecycle.
To facilitate these mastership changes, use one of the following methods
to streamline the request for mastership process for records:
- Write an e-mail rule that sends a message to the administrator of the master replica when a change in mastership is needed.
- Allow other administrators access to your replica through Rational® ClearQuest® Web so they can log on and change the mastership field when needed.
- Contact the administrator at the master replica to ask for a mastership change.