Responsibilities of MultiSite administrators
- Help determine and implement the MultiSite use
When a new project is set up, the administrator works with project managers to determine which replicas master various objects. The administrator also changes mastership when necessary, and determines the appropriate data code page value for the database set.
- Monitor MultiSite replica creation and
Administrators must check the storage bays to make sure that packets are not accumulating. Include the administrator's e-mail address in the ADMINISTRATOR entry in the shipping.conf file (Linux and the UNIX system) or in the MultiSite Control Panel (Windows).
- Monitor system log files
Error and status messages are written to the shipping_server_log file on Linux and the UNIX system and the Event Viewer on Windows.
- Install new versions of MultiSite and new fix packs
Fix packs and information about new versions are available on the IBM® Web site. Install the mandatory and recommended fix packs for your architecture.
Compatibility issues for versions of MultiSite are described in the Help.
- Coordinate issues with all other MultiSite
After initial setup and synchronization of replicas, administrators also must coordinate recovery efforts, which may involve exchanges of update packets, and changes of mastership, which require the administrator at the master replica to transfer mastership to the replica that needs to master the objects.
Create a representation of your MultiSite deployment and record information about a family. The following table shows an example of information that may be useful. You may also want to draw a picture of the family's synchronization pattern.
Table 1. Family information Replica name Replica host Administrator E-mail, phone number Location Time zone offset sanfran_hub goldengate John Cole jcole, x1462 San Francisco, CA, USA GMT-8 boston_hub minuteman Susan Goechs susan, x3742 Boston, MA, USA GMT-5 tokyo shinjuku Masako Ito masako, x7761 Tokyo, Japan GMT+9 sydney taronga Bruce Fife bfife, x5080 Sydney, Australia GMT+10 bangalore ramohalli Sonia Kumar kumar, x2347 Bangalore, India GMT+5:30 buenosaires mardelplata Juan Fangio fangio, x4300 Buenos Aires, Argentina GMT-3 - Ensure that replicas receive any necessary special handling
Restoring a replica from backup is a significant event. Failure to follow the prescribed procedures leads to irreparable inconsistencies among the replicas in a family.
There are no special requirements for backing up a replica. Use the backup instructions in the Administrator topics in Rational® ClearQuest® Help.