Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks packages
This section discusses schema changes after applying the Rational®
ClearQuest® OSLCLinks
package versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2.
Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package v1.0
Applying the OSLCLinks package v1.0 to your schema adds a new stateless record type, OSLCLink, and makes several updates to the selected Rational ClearQuest record types.
The new stateless record type, OSLCLink, includes the
following components:
- Three new fields:
- oslcl_link_type (Short String 250)
- oslcl_label (Short String 250)
- oslcl_URI (Multiline String)
- Two new type actions, Modify and Delete
- A new OSLCLink form with the linkType, label and URI fields
The following changes are made for each user-selected Rational
ClearQuest record
- New reference_list field oslc_links that references OSLCLink
- New value-changed hook for the oslc_links field that checks for and removes duplicate links
- New Links tab on the submit/modify form. The tab includes a parent-child control that is associated with the oslc_links field. The parent-children control does not include the Add, New, and Delete buttons, and linkType, label and URI fields are included in the columns of the list control.
- New base action Commit hook that changes the mastership of all associated links when mastership of the parent record changes
- New base action Commit hook that lets you customize the package to participate in a Rational ClearQuest security context system
Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package v1.1
To enable Rational ClearQuest records to support state predicates as defined in the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Change Management Specification Version 2.0, you must apply the OSLCLinks package v1.1 to your schema and enable one or more record types.
The OSLCLinks package v1.1 is a cumulative update. Applying the v1.1 package to your schema makes
all the changes described in the previous section,
'Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package v1.0', and updates the selected Rational
ClearQuest record types to include five new
fields that correspond to the OSLC-defined states:
- oslc_cm-closed (INT)
- oslc_cm-inprogress (INT)
- oslc_cm-fixed (INT)
- oslc_cm-approved (INT)
- oslc_cm-reviewed (INT)
Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package v1.2
ClearQuest version introduces support for the OSLCLinks package v1.2. The OSLCLinks
package v1.2 contains all the functionality in versions 1.0 and 1.1,
and adds support for the following new field, which corresponds to
an OSLC-defined state:
- oslc_cm:verified (INT)
Consider upgrading to the OSLCLinks package v1.2 if you want to use the oslc_cm:verified state predicate.