WebSphere Application Server profiles for web feature deployment

After installing IBM® WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server, you can deploy the DevOps Code ClearCase® web server components into the WebSphere Application Server profiles during the DevOps Code ClearCase web server installation process. For information about supported configurations, see Prepare the WebSphere Application Server environment for web servers.
The web server features can be deployed to existing WebSphere Application Server profiles or to new profiles created during the installation process. The port used to access a web server is the port number configured for the host profile. You select the profile during the web feature installation process.
Install into a new profile
This option is the default selection in the DevOps Code ClearCase installation programs. When this option is selected, applications are deployed to these installation directory and ports:
    These default file paths and port numbers are referenced in the user instructions provided in the DevOps Code ClearCase product information.
Install into an existing profile
You can choose to deploy one or more DevOps web servers to an existing WebSphere Application Server profile. This option supports flexible deployment of web servers. For example, you can deploy multiple servers to one profile, although this is not recommended for scalability. Or, create a profile for run as a non-root user on a UNIX or Linux system.
Note: If you create a non-root user profile, confirm that the start command in your /etc/init.d script is preceded by su <non-root user>, where non-root user is the same identity as the identity under which the profile was created.

If you deploy to an existing profile, the web feature is deployed to the installation directory location and port number associated with the selected profile.

For information about the default directory conventions, finding profile information, and other profile management tasks, see these topics: