Installing a DevOps product on a local computer from an HTTP server

After you create a repository on an HTTP server, you can install your DevOps product using Installation Manager.

Before you begin

Obtain the location of the repository from your system administrator.

Check user requirements before installing. DevOps products require administrator access.

Installation Manager must be installed, and the HTTP server must contain a repository for your DevOps product. For more information, see Installation scenario walkthrough: installation of Rational ClearQuest with Installation Manager from an HTTP server.


  1. Mount a directory or map a shared drive from the HTTP server onto the local computer.
  2. Start Installation Manager.
  3. Add the repository to Installation Manager.
    1. Click File > Preferences.
    2. Click Add Repository.
    3. Click Browse. Type the URL for the repository.config on the HTTP server or navigate to the directory containing repository.config on the HTTP server. For example: http:\\server\Rational_product\repository.config.
    4. Click Open > OK > Apply > OK.
  4. Install the DevOps product. Click Install to start the Installation wizard.
  5. Enter configuration information during the installation.