Creating the user login

About this task

To create the schema repository user login:


  1. In the database home page, select the Administration tab from the tool bar.
  2. In the Security area, click Users.
  3. Click Create just above the User listings table.
  4. In the Name field under the General tab, provide a name for the user login.
  5. Accept the default value for the Profile field.
  6. Select Password from the list in the Authentication field.
  7. Provide a password in the Password field and confirm the password.
  8. In the Default Tablespace field, provide the name of the Permanent Tablespace. See Creating a Permanent Tablespace for information about creating a Permanent Tablespace.
  9. In the Temporary Tablespace field, provide the name of the Temporary Tablespace. See Creating a Temporary Tablespace for information about creating a Temporary Tablespace.
  10. Select the Roles tab from the toolbar and in the page that opens, click Modify.
  11. Verify that CONNECT and RESOURCE are present in the Selected Roles field and click OK.
  12. Click OK to finish.


In the Users page, the user account you just created is listed in the Results table.


To create the user database login:

Repeat the steps for creating the schema repository user login to create a user database user login for the user database.

In the Users page, the user account you just created is listed in the Results table.