Preserve ClearQuest Web configuration files

If you include Rational® ClearQuest® Web in your environment, preserve your Web server configuration files before upgrading to the latest version.
To preserve these files, copy them to a location that will not be affected by the upgrade process. Be sure to distinguish the two versions of the files and before copying them, as the specific settings in each file may differ from each other.
Note: If the user data preserved uninstall option was run when uninstalling Rational ClearQuest, IBM® Installation Manager preserves the properties files listed in the following tables, and automatically migrates some of the settings to the Site Configuration window. However, you should also consider making additional backup copies of the files before uninstalling.

If the clean uninstall option is run, you must manually migrate all the settings from the copies of the properties files you preserved before uninstalling. If you must run the clean uninstall option for other reasons, it becomes increasingly important to preserve these properties files if you want to migrate the settings from your pre-8.0 deployment.

For more information about the uninstall tool, see Uninstall.

After you install the upgrade, you can migrate the configuration settings from the properties files in the following tables to Rational ClearQuest Web server. For information about how to migrate these settings, see Migrating ClearQuest Web configuration settings.
Note: For preserving files on Linux or UNIX system platform deployments, navigate to /opt/rational/.../ instead of \Program Files\Rational\...\, as shown next.
Table 1. Configuration files to preserve for the 7.0.x Application Server
Location Files
\Program Files\Rational\Common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile1\installedApps\DefaultNode\RationalClearQuestWeb.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\classes\
\Program Files\Rational\Common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile1\installedApps\DefaultNode\RationalClearQuestWeb.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\classes\wpf\conf\
Table 2. Configuration files to preserve for the 7.0.x Request Manager
Location Files
\Program Files\Rational\ClearQuest\cqweb\cqserver\config
Program Files\Rational\ClearQuest\cqweb\

If you are upgrading from version 7.1.x of Rational ClearQuest, consult technote 1384746 for information about preserving CM Server configuration files before upgrading to a newer release.

Preserving SSL protocol files

SSL configuration files admin.conf, httpd.conf, and ssl.conf are included in the Rational ClearQuest configuration files and backed up during the upgrade process. In Rational ClearQuest and later, the SSL configuration is managed by the WebSphere® Application Server configuration. If you are upgrading from version 7.1.x to or later, you must configure SSL in WebSphere Application Server before upgrading the Rational ClearQuest server components.

For instructions, see Configuring a web plug-in for IBM HTTP Server.