installutil setcqldapmap

The installutil setcqldapmap subcommand identifies the Rational® ClearQuest® user profile field and the LDAP user attribute that Rational ClearQuest uses to map a user account in the database set to a user account in the LDAP directory.


installutil setcqldapmap dbset_name cq_login cq_password [ –site site | –domain domain ] cq_user_field ldap_user_attribute
installutil setcqldapmap dbset_name cq_login cq_password [ {–allsites | –site site } | { –alldomains | –domain domain } ] –remove


The installutil setcqldapmap subcommand identifies the Rational ClearQuest user profile field and the LDAP user attribute that Rational ClearQuest uses to map a user account in the database set to a user account in the LDAP directory. Rational ClearQuest retrieves the value of the attribute from the LDAP user record that the installutil setldapsearch subcommand returns, then searches the database set for a user account whose mapping field value matches the attribute value. After Rational ClearQuest finds a match, it determines the user's authorization. It is run once per domain, site, or both, if applicable.

To ensure that an LDAP user account maps uniquely to a Rational ClearQuest user account, Rational ClearQuest requires that the following conditions are true:
  • The value in the Rational ClearQuest mapping field is unique among active Rational ClearQuest user profile records that are enabled for LDAP authentication.
  • The value in the LDAP mapping attribute is unique among LDAP user records. It is the responsibility of the LDAP administrator to ensure that the LDAP repository enforces this requirement. Rational ClearQuest does not detect non-unique LDAP mapping attributes in the LDAP repository.

Be sure that the Rational ClearQuest user profile field that you specify with the installutil setcqldapmap subcommand is the same at all sites; however, the LDAP attribute that maps to the Rational ClearQuest user profile field can be different.

Options and Arguments

–site site
Specifies that the ldap_user_attribute setting applies only to the site that you specify. If you do not specify –site site, the subcommand settings apply to all sites. The cq_user_field setting must be the same for all sites.
–site site –remove
–allsites –remove
Removes the existing settings for the specified subcommand. You must specify –site or –allsites with –remove. Use –site to remove the settings at one specific site. Use –allsites to remove the settings at all sites. You do not need to specify the cq_user_field and ldap_user_attribute arguments when you specify –remove.
–domain domain
Rational ClearQuest supports environments where multiple LDAP configurations can be used to authenticate. Using this option specifies that the ldap_user_attribute setting applies only to the indicated domain. If you do not specify this option, the subcommand settings apply to all domains. The cq_user_field setting must be the same for all domains.
–domain domain –remove
–alldomains –remove
Removes the existing settings for the specified subcommand. You must specify –domain or –alldomains with –remove. Use –domain to remove the settings at one specific domain. Use –alldomains to remove the settings at all domains. You do not need to specify the cq_user_field and ldap_user_attribute arguments when you specify –remove.
One of the following fields that the subcommand uses to match a Rational ClearQuest user account to an LDAP user account:

The cq_user_field setting must be the same for all sites.

One of the attributes returned by the installutil setldapsearch subcommand that the installutil setcqldapmap subcommand uses to match a Rational ClearQuest user account to an LDAP user account.

In place of an LDAP attribute, you can specify the %login% parameter, which resolves to the login name that the user enters.


In the following example, the installutil setcqldapmap subcommand specifies that the LDAP mail attribute should be mapped to the Rational ClearQuest CQ_EMAIL user profile field.
installutil setlcqldapmap dbset1 bob_admin bob_pw -domain Domain1 CQ_EMAIL mail

See also
