installutil getmasterpropertytofile

Use the installutil getmasterpropertytofile subcommand to retrieve the master properties values for a database set and save these values to a file.


Platform: Windows

Command type: installutil subcommand


installutil getmasterpropertytofile
dbsetName [-user_db_name userDBname] cqLogin cqPassword masterProperty fileName


The installutil getmasterpropertytofile subcommand retrieves master properties values for the database set and saves these values to a file. Use this subcommand with the master properties described in Modifiable master properties.

Options and Arguments

Name of the database set or connection.
-user_db_name userDBname
User database to which the master property applies. By default, the master property applies to all user databases in the database set.
Rational® ClearQuest® login name of the administrative user. This user must have Super User privileges and be marked for Rational ClearQuest authentication.
Rational ClearQuest password for the administrative user cq_login. To specify a null password, enter an empty set of double quotation marks ("").
Name of the master property to get.
The path specification and file name where the master property value will be written.


  • Get the OSLC_MAPPINGS master property value for the mydbset database set and save this value to the c:\dev\oslc-mappings.xml file.

    installutil getmasterpropertytofile mydbset admin secret OSLC_MAPPINGS c:\dev\oslc-mappings.xml
    Starting test getmasterpropertytofile
    Wrote to file: c:\dev\oslc-mappings.xml
    Exit code 0 for test getmasterpropertytofile