installutil getauthenticationalgorithm

Use the installutil getauthenticationalgorithm subcommand to display the algorithm specified by the installutil setauthenticationalgorithm subcommand.


installutil getauthenticationalgorithm dbset_name cq_login cq_password


The installutil getauthenticationalgorithm subcommand displays the authentication algorithm that is currently set for the specified database set. The algorithm can be CQ_FIRST, meaning that Rational® ClearQuest® attempts to authenticate users by using Rational ClearQuest authentication first, or CQ_ONLY, which means that Rational ClearQuest attempts only Rational ClearQuest authentication.


In the following example, the installutil getauthenticationalgorithm subcommand retrieves the authentication algorithm for the dbset1 database set.
installutil getauthenticationalgorithm dbset1 bob_admin bob_pw 

See also
