cqload exportschema

Exports an entire Rational® ClearQuest® schema to a text file.


Platform: Windows

Command type: cqload subcommand


cqload exportschema [-verbose] [-dbset dbset] loginID password schemaName "exportFilePath"


The cqload exportschema subcommand exports an entire schema to a text file. Then, you can use the cqload importschema subcommand to import the schema into another schema repository.

To export a partial schema, use the exportintegration subcommand.

You can export a checked out schema. Changes that are made to the checked out schema are not exported with the schema. If there are comments associated with the checked out schema, the comments are exported along with the schema.

Note: In ClearQuest v9.0.1, the -verbose option is added to the cqload exportschema command.

Options and arguments

-dbset dbsetName
Specifies a connection name. Required if there are multiple schema repositories in the system.
Login name of a Rational ClearQuest user with Super User privileges.
Rational ClearQuest password that is associated with the loginID. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotation mark ("").
Name of the schema to export to a text file.
Path name of the text-file version of the schema to save. The path name must be enclosed in double quotation mark ()" ").
Enables additional output to show progress during the export operation. The output identifies each schema rev as it is being exported.


  • Export the contents of the DefectTracking schema to the c:\temp\schema.txt file.

    cqload exportschema -dbset 2003.06.00 admin "" DefectTracking "c:\temp\schema.txt"

See also