
Binds IBM® DB2® databases with the DataDirect drivers used by Rational® ClearQuest®. You must run this command once for each physical DB2 database before Rational ClearQuest clients connect to the database. You should also run this command if you are upgrading an existing user database to a version of Rational ClearQuest that includes an updated version of the DataDirect driver.


binddb2pkg server database DB2_admin password [port ]


The DataDirect driver that is used by Rational ClearQuest to connect to DB2 databases requires that a number of DB2 packages be created and bound to the database before you use them. The first Rational ClearQuest connection to a DB2 database binds these packages. However, unless all DB2 users who connect to the database have database administrator privileges, the automatic binding does not work. If all of Rational ClearQuest users of DB2 do not have database administrator privileges, you must run the command before connecting to the database from Rational ClearQuest. This command must be run for every DB2 database that Rational ClearQuest uses.

Options and Arguments

The machine name of the database server for the schema repository or user database.
The database name.
The user name that has the Database Administrator authority for the DB2 database.
The password for the user name.
If the database is in a DB2 instance that is not using default port value 50000, the port value must be specified.


Binds the DB2 package to the database user_db.mdb on the server Jupiter using port, 60000.

binddb2pkg Jupiter user_db admin "" 60000