Returns a list of databases that are available for the specified user to log in to.
This method returns only the databases that the specified user is allowed to log in to. If the user_login_name parameter contains an empty String, this method returns a list of all of the databases associated with the specified schema repository (master database).
You can examine each DatabaseDesc object to get the corresponding database name, database set name and other information needed to log in to it.
Note: The
GetAccessibleDatabases method does not require a user login; it can
be called from a constructed Session object before a user login. If
LDAP authentication is enabled, the user login name may not be the
same as the Rational®
ClearQuest® user
name. See Impact on Existing APIs for more information.
session.GetAccessibleDatabases (master_db_name, user_login_name, database_set)
$session->GetAccessibleDatabases(master_db_name, user_login_name, database_set);
- Identifier
- Description
- session
- The Session object that represents the current database-access session.
- master_db_name
- A String that specifies the Rational ClearQuest logical database name of the schema repository. In most cases, this value is "MASTR".
- user_login_name
- A String that specifies the user login name. Using an empty string for this argument tells this function to return a list of all databases associated with this schema repository, not just those accessible to a specific user.
- database_set
- A String that specifies the database set in which to look for accessible databases. By default, this argument should contain the empty String. This causes the function to use the product-default database set name (that is, the product version number).
- Return value
- For VBScript, an Array of Variants each containing
a DatabaseDesc Object.
For Perl, a DatabaseDescs Object collection.
set sessionObj = GetSession
' Get the list of databases in the
' master database set.
databases = sessionObj.GetAccessibleDatabases("MASTR","admin","")
for each db in databases
' Get the name of the database
dbName = db.GetDatabaseName
sessionObj.UserLogon "admin", "", dbName, AD_PRIVATE_SESSION, ""
dbConnectString = db.GetDatabaseConnectString
The following code provides a MsgBox indicating the connect vendor
information and logical name for all the user databases in a specific dbset.
Sub Test()
Dim session
Dim databases
Dim dbConnectString
Dim dbConnectName
Dim db
Set session = CreateObject("CLEARQUEST.SESSION")
databases = session.GetAccessibleDatabases("MASTR", "admin", "")
session.UserLogon "admin", "", "SAMPL", AD_PRIVATE_SESSION, ""
For Each db In databases
dbConnectString = db.GetDatabaseConnectString
dbConnectName = db.GetDatabaseName
MsgBox dbConnectString
MsgBox dbConnectName
End Sub
use CQPerlExt;
#Start a Rational
ClearQuest session
$sessionObj = CQSession::Build();
#Get a list of accessible databases
$databases = $sessionObj->GetAccessibleDatabases("MASTR", "admin", "");
$count = $databases->Count();
#Foreach accessible database, login as joe with password gh36ak3
$db = $databases->Item($x);
$dbName = $db->GetDatabaseName();
# Logon to the database
$sessionObj->UserLogon( "joe", "gh36ak3", $dbName, "" );