
Returns the mail notification settings of the mail message.


The configuration information is returned as a reference to an array of strings.

Note: This method is for Perl only. It is not available for VBScript.

With support for specifying a character set for email notification other than the default UTF-8 setting, the GetMailNotificationSettings method returns an additional element in the array (compared with versions 7.0.1 and earlier) for this language option for the character set. The additional element is either "" (the default) or the character set encoding name that is set for all outgoing email.

For Windows, the mail settings argument to this method can be in one of the following forms:

  • {"SMTP", "host", "defaultfrom", "name", "1"}
  • {"MAPI", "profile", "1"}
  • {"MAPI", "profilealias", "1", "server"}
  • {"POP3", "host", "username", "password"}

where 1 indicates that "send active" is True for SMTP and MAPI protocols (not required by POP3).

The string values in the configuration setting string are based on the mail transport type (SMTP, MAPI, POP3).

  • SMTP
    • host - the host name.
    • defaultfrom - an e-mail address.
    • name - the name associated with the defaultfrom email address (for example, John Smith).
    • 1 - indicates that "send active" is True for SMTP protocol.
  • MAPI
    • profile - a profile file name (for example, myprofile.ini).
    • server - the mail server name or IP address.
    • profilealias - the profile alias name (for example, cq_admin).
    • 1 - indicates that "send active" is True for MAPI protocol.
  • POP
    • host - the host name.
    • user - a user name .
    • password - the user's password.

For the UNIX systems and Linux, the return value of this method can be:

{"SMTP", "", "", "", "1"}

where 1 indicates that "send active" is True for SMTP.

Note: On the UNIX systems and Linux, the Perl CQMailMsg object uses the sendmail program to send the email message. For this to work properly, sendmail must be configured on the UNIX systems and Linux client machines.
Attention: Rational® ClearQuest® Email 1.x and MAPI support have been deprecated. For enhanced email support, use the EmailPlus 2.1 package. For more information, see Packages.



A Mail Message object, representing the mail message to be sent.
Return value
A reference to an array of strings containing the configuration settings for the mail message.



use strict;
use CQPerlExt;

my $cqmail = CQMailMsg::Build();
my $emailsettings = $cqmail->GetMailNotificationSettings();
foreach my $elem (@$emailsettings) {
      printf $elem. "\n";