Upgrading user information

The following examples use the UpgradeInfo method (of the User object) to optimize peformance when setting User properties and updating the databases to which a user is subscribed.

These examples update a user profile and upgrade all the databases that the User is subscribed to. They also verify the update by attempting to log into each accessible database.

For more information, see UpgradeInfo.


Dim  dbset
Dim  adminUser
Dim  adminPasswd
Dim  userName
Dim  passwd
Dim  adminSession
Dim  userList
Dim  userObj
Dim  email
Dim  phone
Dim  fullname
Dim  failed_dbs
Dim  session
Dim  dbdescs
Dim  db
Dim  dbname

dbset = "2003.06.00"
adminUser = "admin"
adminPasswd = ""

' Create a Rational
 admin session
set adminSession = CreateObject("CLEARQUEST.ADMINSESSION")

If (adminSession.Logon (adminUser, adminPasswd, dbset)) Then
    MsgBox "Could not get Admin session login"
End If

' the user who you want to change user profile for 
userName = "QE1"
passwd = "secret"

'Get the User
set userObj = adminSession.GetUser(userName)
If userObj is Nothing Then 
   'Do NOT use MsgBox if you are using a Rational
                    ClearQuest Web server
    MsgBox "Error: Failed lookup for user" & userName 
End If

 email = "qe@example.com"
 phone = "123456789"
 fullname = "Best Quality Engineer"

' Upgrade all the databases that the user is subscribed to
MsgBox "Upgrade user profile for userName" 
failed_dbs = userObj.UpgradeInfo
if (failed_dbs > 0) then
    MsgBox "Set password failed in database(s)" & failed_dbs
end if

' verify the new password by logging into databases
set session = CreateObject("ClearQuest.Session")
dbdescs = session.GetAccessibleDatabases("MASTR", userName, dbset)

for each db in dbdescs
    dbname = db.GetDatabaseName
    session.UserLogon userName, passwd, dbname, AD_PRIVATE_SESSION, dbset
    If session is Nothing then
   MsgBox "Could not get session login to db" & dbname
    End If

    MsgBox "Checking user info in db" & dbname & ":"
    ' verify the new phone, fullname, and email
    if (email <> session.GetUserEmail) then
   MsgBox "Email is not upgraded in" & dbname
    end if

    if (fullname <> session.GetUserFullName) then
   MsgBox "Full name is not upgraded in" & dbname
    end if

    if (phone <> session.GetUserPhone) then
   MsgBox "Phone is not upgraded in" & dbname
    end if



use CQPerlExt;   
use Time::Local; 
$dbset = "2003.06.00";
$adminUser = "admin";
$adminPasswd = "";

# Create a Rational
 admin session
my $adminSession= CQAdminSession::Build();

if ($adminSession->Logon( $adminUser, $adminPasswd, $dbset )) {
    print "Could not get Admin session login\n";
    exit 1;
# the user who you want to change user profile for 
my ($userName, $passwd) = ("testuser", "password");

# Get the user object for the user we want to upgrade.
my $userObj = $adminSession->GetUser($userName);
unless ($userObj) { 
    print "$0: Error: Failed lookup for user \"$userName\"\n"; 
    exit 1;

$fullname="Best Engineer";

# Upgrade all the databases that the user is subscribed to
print "Upgrade user profile for $userName\n";
$failed_dbs = $userObj->UpgradeInfo();
@temp = @$failed_dbs;
if ($#temp > -1)
        printf "fail dbs: %s.\n", join(',', @temp);

# verify the new password by logging into databases
$session = CQSession::Build();
$dbdescs = $session->GetAccessibleDatabases("MASTR", $userName, $dbset);
foreach $i (0 .. $dbdescs->Count()-1)
    $dbname = $dbdescs->Item($i)->GetDatabaseName();
    $session->UserLogon($userName, $passwd, $dbname, $dbset);
    unless (defined $session)
      print LOG "Could not get session login to db $dbname\n";
      exit 1;  
    print "Checking user info in db $dbname:\n";
    # verify the new phone, fullname, and email
    if ($email ne $session->GetUserEmail()) {
      print "Email is not upgraded in $dbname\n";
    if ($fullname ne $session->GetUserFullName()) {
      print "Full name is not upgraded in $dbname\n";
    if ($phone ne $session->GetUserPhone()) {
      print "Phone is not upgraded in $dbname\n";
    else {
          print "User information verified.\n";