# Start of Global Script UCU_CQActBeforeChact
sub UCU_CQActBeforeChact {
# the English Perl module is necessary for the use of the OSNAME variable
use English;
if ( $OSNAME =~ /Win/i ) {
# UNC path to built for Windows
unshift ( @INC, "//testsources/\tests/Perl/site/lib/ClearCase" );
else {
# NFS path to built for Solaris
# if other platforms will be used, this block should also check for the
# Unix system and Linux platform and set the include path accordingly.
unshift ( @INC,
"/net/solarisHost/usr1/rational/common/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-multi/ClearCase" );
require ("");
my ($result);
my ($param) = @_;
# ---
# This record hook is invoked by SQUID to invoke the "Perform Rational
# Action Before Changing Activity" policy. If the activity is not in
# a single stream project, or is not in the project's integration
# stream, the UCM change activity should fail.
# - Param must be a string with this format:
# "entity-type|entity-id|project_info|stream_info" (vertical bars are
# which represents the entity bound to the SUM_Project which was
# delivered, and whether the entity is valid or not
# - If the entity is valid, this returns an empty string
# - If the entity is not valid, this returns a string
# to be displayed as an error message.
# ---
# Parse the param string, but we will ignore project_info and stream_info
in this example
my $entity_type;
my $entity_id;
my $project_info;
my $stream_info;
($entity_type, $entity_id, $project_info, $stream_info) = split ('\|',
# Create CtCmd instance
my $inst_cc = ClearCase::CtCmd->new();
# get parent stream and stream type
my $status;
my $stream;
my $istream;
my $str_type;
my $project;
# get the stream name from the entity_id
($status, $stream) =
# get the project name from the stream
($status, $project) = $inst_cc->exec("des","-fmt","%[project]p",$stream);
# get the name of the project's integration stream
($status, $istream) = $inst_cc->exec("des","-fmt","%[istream]p",
# get parent project type (note: model fmt is broken in MCK, returns blank
my $proj_type;
($status, $proj_type) =
# find out if project is single stream or parent stream is
# integration stream
# NOTE: if proj_type is SIMPLE, then stream should always be an
integration stream
if ( ($proj_type !~ "SIMPLE") && ($stream !~ $istream) ) {
$result = "Unable to change activity";
else {
$result = "";
return $result;
# End of Global Script UCU_CQActBeforeChact