Using CtCmd for base DevOps Code ClearCase® and Rational® ClearQuest®


use English;

unshift( @INC, 
ti/ClearCase" );

require ("");

my $ccinst = ClearCase::CtCmd->new();

my $result;

    # get parent stream and stream type of an activity

    my $status;

    my $stream;

    my $istream;

    my $str_type;

    my $project;

    ($status, $stream) = 

    print( "Status: " . $status . "\n" );

    ($status, $project) = 

    print( "Status: " . $status . "\n" );

    ($status, $istream) = $ccinst->exec("des","-fmt","%[istream]p", 

    print( "Status: " . $status . "\n" );

    print( "Activity: MCK00000031\nStream: " . $stream . "\nProject: " . 
$project . "\nIntegration Stream: " . $istream . "\n" );

    # find out if stream is integration stream

    if (  $stream !~ $istream  ) {

        $result = "Current stream is not the integration stream";


    else {

        $result = "Current stream is the integration stream";

