Advanced reporting and automation with cqperl
The following example cqperl code generates a report.
# - A Perl script to list all of the
# defects currently in the submit state.
use CQPerlExt;
# All Rational
ClearQuest work is done via a session object. Cqperl
# obtains a session object with the CQSession Build method
# accessible from the CQPerlExt Perl module.
# API Reference: Session Object->Build
$session = CQSession::Build();
# Once we've obtained the session, we need to logon. This is
# done with the UserLogon method. You need to specify the
# username, the password, and the database name. The fourth
# parameter, dbset, is usually left blank.
# API Reference: Session object->UserLogon method
# Generating a query involves creation of a QueryDef object.
# This is done via a method of the session object called
# BuildQuery. It's only parameter is the entitydef
# (also known as Record Type) that you wish to query on.
# In this case, we'll use "Defect"
# API Reference: Session Object->Build Query method
# QueryDef Object
# EntityDef Object->Name property
$querydef = $session->BuildQuery("Defect");
# The next step (like creating a query through the Rational
ClearQuest client) is to decide which fields will be in
# the Query Result Set. This is done with the BuildField
# method of the QueryDef object. We'd like to see ID,
# headline, and submitter.
# API Reference: QueryDef Object->BuildField method
# Next, we need to build the filters for this query.
# This is done by constructing a tree of FilterOperator
# objects. Creating the top level FilterOperator object for
# any subtree is done with the BuildFilterOperator method
# of the QueryDef object. The BuildFilterOperator method
# takes one parameter, the boolean operator that will
# determine how each of the subtrees behaves. If there is
# only one filter, either AND or OR will work. To specify
# the correct boolean operator, select the proper BoolOp
# constant and Perl prefix. In this case, we'll use and, so
# therefore, our constant will be $CQPerlExt::CQ_BOOL_OP_AND.
# API Reference: QueryDef Object->BuildFilterOperator Method
# BoolOp constants
# Notation conventions for Perl
$rootfilternode =
# Once we have the root FilterOperatorNode, we'll assign a
# filter to it. In this case, state equals submitted. We'll
# use the BuildFilter method of the QueryFilterNode object
# for this. Note that the third parameter to BuildFilter must
# be a Perl reference to an array.
# API Reference: QueryFilterNode object->BuildFilter method
# BoolOp constants
# Notation conventions for Perl
@statetest = "Submitted";
# Okay, the Query definition has been created, now it's time
# to execute it. We go back to the session object for this
# and use the BuildResultSet method. It's only parameter
# is the QueryDef object we'd previously created. After
# the result set object is ready, we then execute the query.
# API Reference: Session object->BuildResultSet method
# ResultSet object->Execute method
$resultset = $session->BuildResultSet($querydef);
# Let's prepare by printing a header for our output.
printf("%13.13s %50.50s %9.9s\n","id","headline","submitter");
printf("%13.13s %50.50s %9.9s\n",
# Now, traverse the resultset and print out the output.
# This is done via the MoveNext method of the result set
# object. It will return $CQPerlExt::CQ_SUCCESS as long as
# there are rows to view. GetColumnValue is used to get the
# data from that row of the resultset.
# API Reference: ResultSet object->MoveNext method
# ResultSet object->GetColumnValue method
while ($resultset->MoveNext() == $CQPerlExt::CQ_SUCCESS) {
printf("%-13.13s %-50.50s %-9.9s\n",
# And we're done, so let's release the session