Action notification hook example
Notification hooks trigger additional actions after a set of changes are committed to the database. For example, you can send an e-mail notification to one or more users or modify related records.
You must stop and restart the Rational® ClearQuest® Mail Service every time you make changes to an e-mail notification hook.
The following example opens a window for each field in the defect that was modified. You might also use a notification hook to generate an e-mail message and send it to an appropriate distribution list.
An action that is initiated from a hook does not trigger a notification unless you set the session variable CQHookExecute to a value of 1 in the hook script. This variable is a Long data type in VBScript and long scalar in Perl.
Sub swbug_Notification(actionname, actiontype)
' actionname As String
' actiontype As Long
' action = modify
' Note: don't use MsgBox for web-based databases
MsgBox "Modify action completed, notification hook started"
fieldnames = GetFieldNames
If IsArray(fieldnames) Then
I = LBound(fieldnames)
limit = UBound(fieldnames) + 1
' Get three kinds of values
Do While I < limit
onename = fieldnames(I)
Set oldinfo = GetFieldOriginalValue(onename)
Set newinfo = GetFieldValue(onename)
oldstat = oldinfo.GetValueStatus
If oldstat = AD_HAS_NO_VALUE Then
oldempty = True
oldempty = False
oldval = oldinfo.GetValue
End If
newstat = newinfo.GetValueStatus
If newstat = AD_HAS_NO_VALUE Then
newempty = True
newempty = False
newval = newinfo.GetValue
End If
' Compare the values
MsgBox "Field " & onename & ": original value unknown"
If newempty And Not oldempty Then
MsgBox "Field " & onename & " had its value deleted"
ElseIf oldempty And Not newempty Then
MsgBox "Field " & onename & " now= " & newval
ElseIf oldval <> newval Then
MsgBox "Field " & onename & " was= " & oldval
MsgBox "Field " & onename & " now= " & newval
MsgBox "Field " & onename & " is unchanged"
End If
End If
I = I + 1
End If
MsgBox "Modify action and notification hook completed"
End Sub
sub swsub_Notification {
my($actionname, $actiontype) = @_;
# $actionname as string scalar
# $actiontype as long scalar
# action is Submit
# Post-commit notifications about actions may be handled here
my ($fieldnames,
$session = $entity->GetSession();
$fieldnames = $entity->GetFieldNames();
# Get three kinds of values
foreach $fieldname (@$fieldnames) {
$oldinfo = $entity->GetFieldOriginalValue($fieldname);
$newinfo = $entity->GetFieldValue($fieldname);
$oldstat = $oldinfo->GetValueStatus();
if ($oldstat == $CQPerlExt::CQ_HAS_NO_VALUE) {
$oldempty = 1;
} else {
$oldempty = 0;
$oldval = $oldinfo->GetValue();
$newstat = $newinfo->GetValueStatus();
if ($newstat == $CQPerlExt::CQ_HAS_NO_VALUE) {
$newempty = 1;
} else {
$newempty = 0;
$newval = $oldinfo->GetValue();
# Compare the values
if ($oldstat == $CQPerlExt::CQ_VALUE_UNAVAILABLE) {
$session->OutputDebugString("Field " . $fieldname . ":
original value unknown\n");
} else {
if ($newempty && !$oldempty) {
$session->OutputDebugString ("Field " & $fieldname .
" had its value deleted\n");
} elsif ($oldempty && !$newempty) {
$session->OutputDebugString ("Field " . $fieldname . " now = " .
$newval. "\n");
} elsif ($oldval != $newval) {
$session->OutputDebugString ("Field " . $fieldname . " was = " .
$oldval. "\n");
$session->OutputDebugString ("Field " . $fieldname . " now = " .
$newval. "\n");
} else {
$session->OutputDebugString ("Field " . $fieldname . " is
$session->OutputDebugString ("Modify action & notification hook completed\n");