Returns the database ID of a highlighted record within your listview control.
Note: This
function is for COM only. It is not available for Perl, and it is
only available in the Rational®
ClearQuest® for Windows client.
You can use this property in response to a button click event (that is, the AD_BUTTON_CLICK event type) to find out what value is selected in a parent/child list box. The methods returns the primary key of the referenced record type.
In order to get a list selection, you must associate your button with the list control (such as a parent child control) that you want to be able to select an item from. You must also select the List View type Other. Then, when you press the button the value returned is the key of the referenced record (parts of multipart keys are separated by spaces).
- Identifier
- Description
- eventObject
- An instance of EventObject.
- Return value
- Returns a Variant array containing a single String value (or an empty array if no selection is made). The value returned contains the key of the referenced record (parts of multipart keys are separated by spaces).
' The following script is invoked when a user presses a button named "Select"
' that is associated with a ListView control and performs an action of type
' "Other" (on the extended properties tab)):
Function Defect_Cust_Sel(param)
' param As Variant
Dim ListSel, Sel
On Error Resume Next
ListSel = param.ListSelection
Sel = ListSel(0)
SetFieldValue "Customer", Sel
End Function
' The following example checks for event type, session type, and whether or
' not something is selected:
Function MyRecordHook(param)
' param As Variant
' record type name isMyRecord
Dim ListSel
Dim Item
' Check if it is an event which you can have a selection for
if param.eventtype = AD_BUTTON_CLICK then
' Make sure you aren't on the web since ListSelection doesn't work
if not GetSession.HasValue("_CQ_WEB_SESSION") then
' OK we're not on the web. Now check to see if anything is
ListSel = param.ListSelection
if ubound(ListSel) < lbound(ListSel) then
' Nothing is selected
Item = ListSel(0)
' ListSel is an array of strings with one element when
' something is selected
' and no elements when nothing is selected
' Put your code here to do what you need to do
msgbox "Selected item was:" & Item
end if
' Web interface, ListSelection API call doesn't work here
end if
' Its not a button click event, listselection only works with
' button click events
end if
End Function