UserPrivilegeMaskType constants

UserPrivilegeMaskType constants specify privileges in a security context.

Constant Value Description
_DYNAMIC_LIST_ADMIN 1 Can create and manage dynamic lists.
_PUBLIC_FOLDER_ADMIN 2 Can create / delete / read / write public folders used for queries, reports, and charts.
_SECURITY_ADMIN 3 Can access and manage secure records and fields. Also can edit the context group list field for a security context record and view all records.
_RAW_SQL_WRITER 4 Can create, edit, and use a SQL query using a raw SQL string.
_ALL_USERS_VISIBLE 5 Can view information for all users and groups from user databases.
_MULTI_SITE_ADMIN 6 MultiSite administrator privilege.
_SUPER_USER 7 Can perform all Active User, Schema Designer, User Administrator, Security Administrator, Public Folder Administrator, Dynamic List Administrator, and SQL Editor tasks. Can also create and delete databases and schemas and edit Rational® ClearQuest® Web settings. The admin user account has Super User privilege.
Note: This value became available in version 2002.05.00.
_APP_BUILDER 8 Can create and modify schemas. Add record types, define and modify fields, create and modify states and actions, add hooks to the schema, and update existing databases. Create, modify, and save public queries, charts, and reports. Cannot perform User Administrator tasks.
Note: This value became available in version 2002.05.00.
_USER_ADMIN 9 Can create users and user groups and assign and modify their user-access privileges.
Note: This value became available in version 2002.05.00.
Some common tasks and the required user privilege:
  • Edit context group list field


  • Add/Modify/Delete public query


  • Edit dynamic list contents


  • Edit raw SQL


  • View all users and groups