FieldType constants

The FieldType constants identify the information contained in a field.

Constant Value Description
_SHORT_STRING 1 Simple text field (255 character limit)
_MULTILINE_STRING 2 Arbitrarily long text
_INT 3 Integer
_DATE_TIME 4 Timestamp information
_REFERENCE 5 A pointer to a stateless record type.
_REFERENCE_LIST 6 A list of references
_ATTACHMENT_LIST 7 A list of attached files
_ID 8 A string ID for records (Entity objects)
_STATE 9 The current state of a state-based record (that is, a request entity).
_JOURNAL 10 A list of rows in a subtable that belongs exclusively to this record (Entity)
_DBID 11 An internal numeric ID
_STATETYPE 12 State type of record (entity). State types are defined by schema packages and are assigned to states within your schema. For example, UCM uses state types to determine when hooks should run. For more information about state types, see Administering Rational® ClearQuest® or Developing Schemas topics in the online help.
_RECORDTYPE 13 The name of the record type (EntityDef) of the current record (Entity). For example, "Defect" or "Customer".