ActionType constants

The ActionType constants define the legal action types.

Constant Value Description
_SUBMIT 1 Create a new record.
_MODIFY 2 Change the contents of a record.
_CHANGE_STATE 3 Change the state of a record.
_DUPLICATE 4 Mark the record as a duplicate of another record.
_IMPORT 6 Import a new record.
_DELETE 7 Delete an entity.
_BASE 8 Define a Base action. Base actions fire with all other actions.
_RECORD_SCRIPT_ALIAS 9 Defines and associates an action name with a record script. This enables you to associate a record script with a GUI item on a form. You can use a record script alias to associate any action name with any record script. A record script alias action is a named script that appears in a list of actions and can be invoked from a Rational® ClearQuest® client. As a programmatic example, this type of action enables you to call one single method, GetActionName, instead of having to call several methods such as: EditEntity, Validate, and Commit.