Retrieving user login information

The following methods for retrieving user login information help provide support for LDAP authentication:
  • GetUserLoginName of the AdminSession object

    Returns the Rational® ClearQuest® user name stored in the database. See GetUserLoginName method of the AdminSession object

  • GetAuthenticationLoginName (of the AdminSession and Session objects)

    Returns the string that a user enters as the login name when authenticating. For Rational ClearQuest Authenticated users, this string is the same as the Rational ClearQuest login name field in the User object. For LDAP Authenticated users, this is the LDAP login name and may be different than the Rational ClearQuest login name field in the User object depending on the Rational ClearQuest to LDAP mapping configuration. See GetAuthenticationLoginName method of the AdminSession object and GetAuthenticationLoginName method of the Session object.