Schema repository objects

Schema repository (master database) objects allow you to get and set certain kinds of metadata. The following diagram illustrates these objects you can work with, from a given AdminSession.

Top level objects allow access to the objects associated with Rational ClearQuest Designer functions such as Schemas, Databases, Groups, and Users.
Schema repository object
AdminSession Object
You use the AdminSession Object to access the schema repository. (This is analogous to using the Session Object to access a user database.)
Database Object
The database for user data, such as defects.
Schema Object
Each schema in the schema repository is represented by a SchemaRev Object. You cannot modify schemas programmatically. Use the Rational® ClearQuest® Designer to make changes to a schema. The Schema object provides you with a list of schema revisions that you can use to upgrade a database.
SchemaRev Object
Each schema revision in the schema repository is represented by a SchemaRev Object. You cannot modify the SchemaRev object programmatically. Use the Rational ClearQuest Designer to make changes to a schema.
Group Object
Each user group in the schema repository is represented by a Group Object. This object contains the basic group information, including the users belonging to the group and the databases to which the group is subscribed.
User Object
Each user account in the schema repository is represented by a User Object. This object contains the user's profile information, including the groups and databases to which the user is subscribed.
PackageRev Object
A PackageRev is an object that contains information about a particular version of a Package. A Rational ClearQuest package is a version-based package. Packages are currently not exposed through the API.

A SchemaRev object contains information about a particular version of a Schema. A Rational ClearQuest schema uses a version-based mechanism. A Schema can have multiple versions associated with it.