HistoryFields Object

In Rational® ClearQuest®, an entity may have history information associated with it. Each record has a history field, and this field can have multiple history entries. Each history entry is a line of text describing the modification. All history objects are read-only, because the history entries for a data record are created automatically by IBM® Rational ClearQuest.

The HistoryFields object is the container object for all of the other objects. It represents all of the history fields associated with a record. There can be only one HistoryFields object associated with a record. This object contains one or more HistoryField objects.

The HistoryFields object's property and methods tell you how many items are in the collection and let you retrieve individual items. You cannot add, remove, or modify the items.

Every Entity Object has exactly one HistoryFields object. You cannot create a new HistoryFields object. However, you can retrieve the pre-existing HistoryFields object from a given Entity object by invoking Entity's HistoryFields method.