Copying a project

About this task

To copy a project from an existing project record follow these steps:


  1. Open the project to be copied for modify.
  2. Select the Related Projects tab.
  3. Specify the project name, category and release.
  4. Click the Copy Project button and wait for it to finish. Once the copy is successfully completed, you are informed of the completion and presented with the project ID of the new project.
  5. Click the Revert button on the existing project.
  6. Perform post-copy steps as outlined in Copying an existing project for the copied project.

What to do next

An error message appears if the project copy can not proceed or fails for any reasons. Investigate and correct the condition that caused the failure (see Copying an existing project for possible reasons for the copy failure). If the project is partially copied before the failure , you must manually delete the records that are copied. Make a backup of your database then use the following sequence to delete the records that are created as a result of the unsuccessful project copy and not deleting any records associated with other projects.
To delete a project follow this sequence of deleting records:
  1. Delete WorkConfiguration (ALMRequest Record type).
  2. Delete WorkConfiguration (ALMTask Record type).
  3. Delete WorkConfiguration (ALMActivity Record type).
  4. Modify the project and remove DefaultRequest and DefaultTask and Save.
  5. Delete DefaultTask.
  6. Delete DefaultRequest.
  7. Delete ALMRoles.
  8. Modify Priorphase on each ALMPhase to blank (or no value) and Save.
  9. Delete the ALMPhases.
  10. Delete the ALMProject.

After clean up and fixing the issues that caused the project copy to fail, you can retry the copy.