Submitting activities

About this task

While working on a task, you occasionally need to create activities to identify work that needs to be done to complete the task.


  1. From the task record form, click the Utility toolbar icon and select CreateActivity.
  2. On the Activity tab enter values in at least the mandatory fields:
    • Headline
    • Owner
    • Priority
    • Description
  3. On the Related Records tab you can associate other activities by clicking Add next to the RelatedActivities field. Either enter a keyword and click Search or click Browse and navigate to a query to run to return a list of tasks. Select the task to be associated with this activity and click OK.

    Doc Assess type activities assess the need for documentation work. Activating and completing a Doc Assess activity indicates that the assessment has been completed. For example, you might use a Doc Assess activity to instruct a writer to create an entry in the Release NotesĀ®. Click New next to RelatedActivities to create an activity for documentation work; set the activity type to Dev; and make sure that the activity task is set to the same task as the Doc Assess activity. You can use a query to retrieve the activities for a Doc Assessor (that is commonly a technical writer).

  4. Click OK.