Release engineer
The release engineer role creates baselines and builds.
The release engineer role is responsible for integrating developer changes, creates baselines from source code, and builds the solution.
Possible approved actions for the release engineer role include the following
- ALMRequest actions: Accept, CreateTask, Delete, DuplicateComplete, Import, MarkAsDuplicate, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen, Reject_Solution, Withdraw, WorksAsDesigned
- ALMTask actions: Activate, Complete, CreateActivity, Delete, Import, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen
- ALMActivity actions: Activate, Complete, Import, Modify, Open, QuestionOrComment, ReOpen, ReadyToWaiting, Submit, WorkOn
- ALMBaseline actions: Delete, Import, Modify, Submit
- BTBuild actions: Complete, Delete, Failure, Import, Modify, ReSubmit, Retire, Submit