Using the Project Wizard
- Copy: Starts with an existing project record and duplicates it, then you modify it.
- Create: Creates a blank project.
Copy Project
The Copy Project option uses the copy project Perl record script that is defined in the ALMProject record type. The script creates a new ALMProject based on the project you select.
The ALM Project Setup window lists the projects (that is, the ALMProject records) you can copy for the new project. You can also make your selection by searching by project ID.
After you choose a project and click Next, a window appears for supplying a project name, category, and release label for your new project. Your project name must be unique, and you can select an existing category and release or create new ones.
If the copy project operation succeeds, the new ALMProject record opens in a form from which you then make modifications to it.
Create Project
- Record type name.
- A checkbox that marks the record type creation complete.
- A button that opens the window for creating the record type.
- ALMSecurityPolicy: Required. The ALMSecurityPolicy record controls the visibility of records by using the Security Context feature of ClearQuest. This is also known as record hiding. When you create the project, you must choose a security policy to specify which users may view the project.
- ALMCategory: Required. Categories provide a classification for a project. Examples of Categories are ProductA, ProductB, FeatureA, FeatureB, and ComponentA . When you create the project, you must choose a category from a dropdown list. Categories can be reused across projects.
- ALMProject: An ALMProject record is used to coordinate and control the work efforts of a team to produce some work product of the project.
- ALMRole: Required. A role represents the capabilities required
to perform specified work for a project. The ALMRole record lists
a set of people who can perform the role for the associated project,
and describes the set of actions that these people are authorized
to perform.
Define role-based access to a project by creating a role, choosing a name for it, assigning users who will perform the role, and defining the allowed actions. Create as many roles as you need for the project.
- ALMPhase: Optional. Phases can be used to divide projects into smaller units of time. For example, Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition. You may create as many phases as you need for the project.
- ALMIteration: Optional. Iterations® can be used to divide Phases into smaller units of time. You may create as many iterations as you need for the project.
- ALMType: Required. Types are used to define the nature of the work and can be applied to the ALMRequest, ALMTask, ALMActivity, and BTBuild record types, which help to partition and categorize different types of work. You may reuse Types across projects.
- ALMWorkConfiguration: Required. Establishes a customized work management process by binding ALMTypes to your project in groups of related work activity. An ALMRequest can create ALMTasks of a certain type. Tasks can create ALMActivities of certain types. Start by creating an ALMWorkConfiguration for each ALMActivity type. Then create an ALMWorkConfiguration for each ALMTask type, and finish with the ALMRequest.