Prerequisites to creating an ALMProject

You must first create one, and only one, ALMAdmin record and assign members to it who are allowed to create ALM administrative records.
After you have created an ALMAdmin record, you. or a user listed as a member in the ALMAdmin record, must create the following records before creating an ALMProject.
  • ALMSecurityPolicy
  • CategoryTypeLabel
  • ALMCategory
  • ALMReleaseLabel


The ALMSecurityPolicy record controls the visibility of records by using the Security Context feature in Rational® ClearQuest®. This is also known as record hiding. A user listed in the ALMAdmin record can create this record, but only a Security Administrator can add to the Context Groups. The Security Administrator must add Rational ClearQuest user groups to the Ratl_Security tabs Context Groups list. Name is a mandatory field, and Context Groups must be populated for the SecurityPolicy to be complete.


CategoryTypeLabels classify what the purpose of the category might be. Examples are Product, Offering, Solution, Feature, and Component. Name is a mandatory field.


An ALMCategory provides an association for a project that describes something about what is the goal or output of the project. Examples of categories are Product, Offering, Solution, Feature, or Component. The mandatory fields for ALMCategory are Name, Owner, Security Policy, and CategoryTypeLabel.


The ALMReleaseLabel applies a name or version number to the output of the project. Examples are 1.0, Beta, and 1.1. Name is a mandatory field.