Creating role labels

About this task

Role labels identify the roles that users perform in the ALM process. You need to create the role labels before you create roles. The following list includes some of the possible roles in a work process:
  • Analyst
  • Developer
  • Tester
  • Project Manager
  • Triage
  • Dev Lead
  • Test Lead
  • Release Engineer
  • Stakeholder
The OpenUp process in the sample database provide an example of a full set of roles.

The ALMRoleLabel record gives a name to a set of role capabilities, and lists a default set of ApprovedActions that should be allowed for any person who is fulfilling this role. The mandatory fields in an ALMRoleLabel record are Name and ApprovedActions.


  1. In the DevOps Code ClearCase® client, click File > New > ALMRoleLabel.
  2. Enter the name for the role label in the Name field. Enter a brief description of the role label in the Description field. Click the Approved Actions tab. Select the approved actions for the role label you are creating. This table lists a set of possible ApprovedActions for some of the roles.
    Table 1.
    Role label Approved actions
    Project Manager Iteration::Modify, Iteration::Submit, Phase::Modify, Phase::Submit, Project::Complete, Project::Modify, Project::Launch, Project::Postpone, Project::ResumeInProgress, Project::ResumePending
    Triage Request::CreateTask
    Dev Lead Activity::Modify, Activity::Open, Activity::Submit, Task::Activate, Task::CreateActivity,Task::Modify, Task::Reject_Task, Task::Unreproducible, Task::WorksAsDesigned
    Test Lead Task::Complete, Activity::Open
    Developer Activity::Activate, Activity::Complete, Activity:: ReOpen
    Release Engineer BTBuild::Submit, BTBuild::Complete, BTBuild::Retire, BTBuild::Failure, BTBuild::ReSubmit, Baseline::Submit
  3. Click OK.