Creating an ALMType

About this task

The ALMWork package provides the ALMRequest, ALMTask, ALMActivity, and BTBuild record types to record information about various kinds of work for a project. An ALMType record associates an ALMTypeLabel with one of these ALM work record types.

ALMTypes are used in conjunction with ALMWorkConfiguration records to define the work process for different types of project work. They are also used to customize FIELD_CHOICE_LIST values for certain fields of the ALMRequest, ALMTask, ALMActivity, and BTBuild record types without modifying the schema.

The mandatory fields are ALMRecordType, TypeIndicator, and TypeLabel.

To create an ALMType:


  1. In the DevOps Code ClearCase® client, click File > New > ALMType.
  2. Select the ALMRecordType associated with the type you are creating. Select one of the possible TypeIndicators for the chosen ALMRecordType, and select the ALMTypeLabel for the ALMType.
    The TypeIndicator is a qualifier on the ALMType record that helps to identify each kind of record type in the project. The TypeIndicators in an ALM schema include:
    • ALMActivity: Type
    • ALMTask: Type, Priority
    • ALMRequest: Type, Severity
    • BTBuild: ALMBuildType, ALMBuildStatus

    For example, Severity is a TypeIndicator for field values 1, 2, and 3 for a ALMRequest record type, and Priority is a TypeIndicator for field values 1, 2, and 3 for an ALMTask record type. A given ALMTask can have both a Type and a Priority. For example, a Task can have Type=Defect and Priority=1. In this example, the record has two TypeIndicator values.

  3. Click OK.