Composite baselines
A UCM composite baseline groups member baselines under a single baseline. To create a UCM composite baseline, UCM baseline dependencies are first set, and the top level UCM component that will contain the composite baseline is set to depend on member baselines. For example, one UCM component can be set to depend on baselines from other UCM components. When a baseline is made from this component, it is composed of baselines from the components it depends on.
The script detects composite baselines. If a UCM baseline includes member baselines it is determined to be a UCM composite baseline. The member baselines of the UCM composite baseline are placed into the Composed of Baselines field on the ALMBaseline record.
Only composite baselines of ordinary baselines are currently supported. Composite of composite baselines are not currently supported.
Any composite ALMBaseline record you want to include into another composite must first be decomposed into ordinary ALMBaseline records, and then a composite of these ordinary ALMBaselines be made. Ordinary ALMBaseline records can participate in many composite ALMBaseline records.
ALMActivities from UCM member baselines (that is, Composed of Baselines) appear on the ALMTask records. A BTBuild record is created from the ALMBaseline record. Each BTBuild record has a unique ID. The display of ALMActivities on the ALMTask record includes a header of Composite.BTBuild.Build_System_ID. Entries in this column display the name of the BTBuild record created off the ALM composite baseline.
Builds off the ordinary ALMBaseline records can run during the builds off the composite ALMBaseline records. Ordinary builds leave the Composite.BTBuild column empty.
UCM composite baselines can be used for Release oriented or Component oriented projects. ALM composite baseline records can be used in either type of orientation, but with the restriction that composites of composites are not currently supported.
For a release oriented project, ordinary baselines used on a main UCM integration stream will pickup all activities delivered to it from any substream. Therefore on the activity you would see the builds created off the substream and later, the builds created off the top integration stream.
- Activities delivered through interproject rebase operations
- Activities delivered through deliver-baseline operations
- Activities delivered through alternate deliveries methods