
The ALMProject package provides the context for managing all work in your change management system.

All work in the ALM schema is organized by a Project. The Project provides both the context and role-based security model for your work. The other record types in a project definition are used to define the context within which work occurs. They are built into the ALM schema, and are also provided in the ALMProject. package.

Security is an important aspect of all project-based work. In the ALM schema project security is defined by who has access to the project, and what they can do.

You create a security policy to define what users have access to a project. Security is set on a project by project basis and is required for each project. The security policy is inherited by all the records related to a project.

The ClearQuest ALMProject package objects used to define and manage a project include Project, Role, User, Group, Release, Category, Work configuration, Phase, Iteration, and Security policy.

Roles are used to define which users or groups can perform which actions for a project. You can view the project roles and define new roles for the project by creating a new Role record type. You must also assign Users (or Groups) to a role to have access to the project.

In order to manage several projects, you can use Category record type to classify a project, and the Release record type to identify the version of the software the project delivers. The Category helps to classify the product, feature or component that the project delivers, and the Release identifies the version. For example, for a Project named Marco, you could set the Category to ALM and set the Release to 7.1.0. These three identifiers define the uniqueness of the project. Each project name must be unique, and the Category and Release pair must also be unique. A later project could be Project=Polo, with Category set to ALM, and Release set to 7.2.0.

Projects often have relationships to other projects. These relationships can be established as Related Projects. Large projects can define smaller sub-projects with links between them by using the Super and Sub project fields. You can also manage projects that track many revisions to the same product or component using the Prior and Next project fields.

You can divide a project into Phases and Iterations®, by using the Phase and Iteration record types. You can view the phases and iterations for a project on the Plans tab.

A Work Configuration record allows project managers to establish a customized work management process on a project by project basis. A Work Configuration record for a project helps determine what work types are used by the project. The ALMWork package Request, Task, and Activity record types help manage work and create more meaningful queries regarding the completion of planned work.

Note: Once you add ALM packages to an existing database, you may want to prevent users from being able to create new change requests that are in an older non-ALM Project, and are not ALMRequests. To do so, you must establish an access control or other mechanism to prevent it from occurring. By default, users cannot submit ALMRequests until an ALMProject is first created.