Accepting or rejecting a request

About this task

Throughout the development lifecycle you should check the status of Requests you submitted. When one or more of the Tasks associated with a Request have been completed, review the work done and either accept or reject it. Accepting the Request at this point moves it to the Completed state. Rejecting the Request creates a completed Task for a project, which indicates that no more work is to be done and users cannot associate Tasks with the Request.


  1. From the DevOps Code ClearCase® client Navigator view, use a query to find open Requests for which you are responsible.

    The query returns your open Requests for which one or more Tasks have been completed.

  2. Double-click each of the Tasks in the Tasks field to open the Task record forms. Review the resolution descriptions. From the Task record forms you can double-click activities in the Activities field to open Activity record forms and review resolution details for each Activity.
  3. If you are satisfied with the work done for the request, click the Change State icon on the request record form and select Accept. If you are not satisfied with the work done, select Reject, (or Unreproducible or WorksAsDesigned) and update the Description field with an explanation for your rejection. You can also open a Request directly and resolve it as Accepted, Rejected, Unreproducible, and WorksAsDesigned.

    You may also withdraw a request at any time. Doing so does not necessarily stop all work related to the Request; the Development lead might decide to continue working on tasks.

    You can run a query to retrieve completed Tasks that have been rejected by the Triage administrator or Project manager.

  4. Click Apply.


You can ReOpen a Task that is in the Completed state and can change the Project and reset field values. Comment records may need to be updated if you reopen a Request.