Making users and groups inactive

You can make users and user groups inactive.

Before you begin

You must have Super User privileges to inactivate other users with Super User privileges.

About this task

Inactive users and groups cannot log in to the Rational® ClearQuest® environment or have defect records assigned to them. They do not appear in choice lists of users in Rational ClearQuest client.

To preserve historical information and maintain data integrity, the Designer retains the names of inactive users in the database to which those users were subscribed.


  1. Start the Designer. Then click File > User Administration.
  2. In the User Administration window, change the appropriate setting:
    • To make a user inactive, right-click the user and clear all user privileges, including Active User.
    • To make a group inactive, right-click the group and clear Active.
  3. Add the changes to the user database. In the Upgrade window, click DB Action > Upgrade. Then click OK.