When you change the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Rational®
ClearQuest®, you must reconfigure the product to make
it work with the new JRE.
About this task
After your initial installations of Java and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and
ClearQuest, there might be times that you
want to change your JRE. For example, you might want to switch to a newer JRE if there is a security
issue for the older one.
To reconfigure Rational
ClearQuest to
use a different JRE:
- Install the new Java and its JRE.
Note: If in your initial installation of a JRE you installed it in a folder with a
folder name that does not identify the version number of the Java (as an example, "jdk" and not
"jdk_v8.0"), then you can install the updated Java into the same file system location as the initial
Java. If you did not do so at that time, then consider doing that now. No reconfiguration of
ClearQuest is necessary when your JRE
installation is updated into the previous installation folder.
- Use any one of the following methods to reconfigure Rational
ClearQuest to use the new JRE:
- If you initially installed your JRE with a folder name that did not specify what version of
Java, install the updated Java into the same file system location as the initial Java. Then no
reconfiguration of Rational
ClearQuest is needed. If
this method is not applicable, see the next methods.
- Uninstall Rational
ClearQuest and then
reinstall it. During the re-installation, specify a different JRE path.
- Or, edit the Rational
ClearQuest JRE configuration:
- On Linux/UNIX: As super-user, edit the script in /opt/rational/clearquest/java/jre/javawrapper.sh and
set the JRE_ROOT value to the directory containing the java
For example, if the java executable is installed
in /opt/jre-newversion/bin/java, specify
- On Windows: As administrator, edit the Windows registry value:
The string value is the path to the directory containing the
java executable.
For example, if the java executable is
installed in C:\Program Files
(x86)\jdk8u212-b03\jre\bin\java.exe, specify
C:\Program Files