Procedure to use the relocateschemarepo and relocateuserdb commands to update databases
You can use this command to update the connection information for your schema repository database.
installutil relocateschemarepo -dbset ora12 ORACLE ratlutf8 savim2 rati0nal savim2 rati0nal savim2 rati0nal
installutil Parameter | Description |
relocateschemarepo | Command to update the schema repository. |
-dbset | Identifier for the connection name as it appears in the Maintenance Tool. |
dbset_name | The actual name of the connection. |
-delete_cqtracking_files | Optional parameter. Will delete the information stored in Rational® ClearQuest® about the tracking files used by a Rational Administrator Project. If you are making just a test copy, this option is recommended. Otherwise, avoid using it. |
vendor | The new upgrade database vendor name. Available choices are MS_ACCESS, SQL_SERVER, ORACLE, DB2. |
server | The new upgrade database server name. |
database | The new upgrade database name. |
dbo_login | The new database owner's login name. |
dbo_password | The new database owner's login password. |
rw_login | The new database owner's login name. |
rw_password | The new database owner's login password. |
ro_login | The new empty database owner's login name. |
ro_password | The new database owner's login password. |
connect_options | Optional parameters that vary by vendor. (Refer to the latest ClearQuest Documentation Supplement for details on use of the vendor connect options). |
Sample command that uses Oracle with the CLOB datatype: |
Sample command that uses Oracle with the Long datatype: |
- In the Oracle example, MyServer is the Oracle server name and MySID is the System ID (SID) made to connect to the server. The name of the Oracle user associated to the destination tablespace (listed 3 sets of times after the SID) is cqRepoDBuser with a password of password.
- The command should be run until the you see an exit code of 0 in the command prompt. An exit code of 1 means that there was an error.
You can use this command to update the connection information for your user databases.
installutil relocateuserdb -dbset dbset_name cq_login cq_password user_dbname vendor server database dbo_login dbo_password rw_login rw_password connect_options
installutil Parameter | Description |
relocateuserdb | Command to update a user database. |
-dbset | Identifier for the connection name as it appears in the Maintenance Tool. |
dbset_name | The actual name of the connection. |
cq_login | The user login to Rational ClearQuest that has Super User privileges. |
cq_password | Password for the super user of Rational ClearQuest. |
user_dbname | Logical name of the Rational ClearQuest user database. |
vendor | The new upgrade database vendor name. Available choices are MS_ACCESS, SQL_SERVER, ORACLE, DB2. |
server | The new upgrade database server name. |
database | The new upgrade database name. |
dbo_login | The new empty database owner's login name. |
dbo_password | The new empty database owner's login password. |
rw_login | The new empty database owner's login name. |
rw_password | The new empty database owner's login password. |
connect_options | Optional parameters that vary by vendor. (Refer to the latest ClearQuest Documentation Supplement for details on use of the vendor connect options). |
Sample command that uses Oracle with the CLOB datatype: |
Sample command that uses Oracle with the Long datatype: |
Always make new database back-ups of your schema repository and user databases prior to making schema changes and performing database upgrades. Failure to create back-up copies can limit your ability to recover from a an upgrade failure, design change issues or other unforeseen failures.