Step 5: Validate the LDAP configuration information


Before continuing to enable LDAP authentication, use the installutil validateldap subcommand to confirm that your configuration settings allow Rational® ClearQuest® to correctly find an LDAP user entry in the LDAP directory. The installutil validateldap subcommand uses an LDAP user name and password and the Rational ClearQuest database set's LDAP configuration settings to perform an LDAP authentication. The subcommand also prints the configuration settings.


If the validation fails and returns a nonzero error code, examine the error message and the settings. If necessary, ask your LDAP administrator to review the error message and settings to find the problem. After you find the incorrect configuration settings, rerun only the subcommand that generates those settings and then rerun the installutil validateldap subcommand to confirm that your fix works.


The following example validates the LDAP settings set by attempting to authenticate a user whose LDAP user name is test_user and whose LDAP password is test_pwd.

installutil validateldap dbset_name cq_user cq_password

installutil validateldap 7.0.0 admin secret test_user test_pwd