Step 7: Set a user's authentication mode

Set the user's authentication mode for LDAP.

About this task

For every user who will use LDAP authentication, you must set the user's authentication mode for LDAP.


  1. From the Rational® ClearQuest® Designer, click File > User Administration.
  2. In the User Administration window, double-click the user entry to open the User Properties window.
  3. In the User Properties window, select the LDAP Authenticated check box.
  4. (Optional) Enter the user's LDAP login name in the LDAP Login field. If a connection to the LDAP server exists, Rational ClearQuest copies the value from the LDAP mapping attribute to the corresponding Rational ClearQuest mapping field. An asterisk (*) next to the field identifies it as the mapping field.
  5. Click OK.

What to do next

To set the authentication mode for multiple users, select the users in the User Administration window; right-click and select LDAP Authenticated or CQ Authenticated. Alternatively, you can use the Perl script