Summary: performing LDAP-related administrative tasks

Some administrative tasks can be accomplished by using installutil subcommands.

Other tasks require that you use a script that calls one or more Rational® ClearQuest® APIs that have been created to support LDAP authentication. Table 1 summarizes the methods available to perform common administrative tasks. For information about Rational ClearQuest APIs, see the API documentation.

Table 1. Methods for performing administrative tasks
Task How to perform
Configure a database set for LDAP authentication. Use installutil subcommands.
Create an LDAP-authenticated Rational ClearQuest user account.
  • Use the Rational ClearQuest User Administration tool.
  • Use the Rational ClearQuest API CreateUserLDAPAuthenticated.
Set a user's authentication mode.
  • Use the Rational ClearQuest User Administration tool.
  • Run the script.
  • Use one of the Rational ClearQuest APIs: SetCQAuthentication or SetLDAPAuthentication.